The worst thing you can ever do as a business owner and leader is to put yourself last. As someone who has garnered success by trusting their skills and values, it’s difficult to know your next step when those skills no longer move you forward. Where most entrepreneurs will take that as a sign to throw themselves further into the weeds, the only way you’re going to get out of that rut is actually to Choose Your Seat.

With a team who depends on your leadership and a business that is a direct result of your values, it is imperative that you have the presence of mind to take control of your own trajectory and become the type of leader you choose to be — not just the one you think people are expecting.

As a Master certified Coach and co-owner of an Alternative Investment firm, Angie Wisdom has helped countless business owners elevate themselves and their companies out of the mid-level plateau by implementing an actionable system that taps into their full potential and puts their development at the top of their own priority list. As a speaker and author, she brings her message of “Choose Your Seat” to clients who are searching for a well-rounded, fulfilled life of success, achieving more than they ever thought possible.

Her Master Coaching Certification places Angie in the esteemed 4% of the coaches in the country with and MCC designation. Angie is the creator of the Morning Mindset Journal and author of The Non-Negotiable You. She is a member of The Female Founder Collective, Executive Coaches of Orange County, International Coaching Federation, and a contributor to The Forbes Coaching Council.

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