Want to be a Power Producer?


Gifts of the Power Producer

Have you ever known someone who just seems to attract whatever they need or want; that friend or colleague that appears to be able to will their wishes into being?  On the first of the month, they tell you they want to generate ten new clients, and by the end of the month, they have twenty.  Or they say, “I want to write a book,” and within a few weeks, they are telling you about the first completed chapter and a surprise encounter with a publisher.  Maybe a year ago, they said they wanted to start a new business and quit their day job, and as of today, their new business is thriving, and they have found new meaning in life.  How do they do it?  What special tools or supernatural gifts do these power producers have?  More importantly, how can you achieve that willful success for yourself?

     If you want to be a power producer, the kind of person who can manifest your greatest desires, the first step is changing the way you define productivity.  See if this sounds familiar; You’ve just ended a busy ten-hour day full of emails, meetings, and a hefty to-do list, even missing lunch or skipping the gym to ‘get more done’ only to realize you haven’t really moved the needle on your most important goals. At best, you can pat yourself on the back for clearing your inbox.  At worst, you are mentally and physically exhausted with no sense of real accomplishment, feeling like somehow you lost the day. Real meaningful productivity comes from being intentional and being present.

     Intention is the act of deciding what you want to do and knowing why you are doing it.  Before wrestling any item on your calendar or to-do list, spend some time genuinely deciding; what do you need or want to get out of the phone call, the meeting, the email you are about to spend valuable time on.  For example, if you have a weekly team meeting, don’t just show up when your calendar tells you it’s time. Create a meaningful agenda with talking points or objectives you want to be sure to meet.  Clear objectives allow you to easily recognize what you have achieved and what needs additional follow up.  Or maybe you want to take some time to research your competition.  Instead of blindly clicking through their website or fishing on Google, make a list of exactly what you want to compare; pricing, customer reviews, best selling products or services.  Again, in this way, you are creating meaningful objectives and an easy view of your success.  Whatever you set out to accomplish, being intentional is dependent on two crucial elements:

Know your ‘why’:  There must be a reason why you have chosen to invest in an activity.  Be sure you know that reason before you begin.

Plan or choose actions that support your ‘why’:  Any steps you take should lead to your ultimate why.  If not, those actions are not productive.

Once you have a clear intention, channeling your energy into being present will amplify your productivity and supercharge your feelings of accomplishment.

Presence is being truly engaged, giving all of your attention to what is getting your time and energy.  The current pace of our world is astounding, and there is no sign of slowing down.  As a top performer and a busy professional, you probably feel this daily.  While the fast pace may allow you to ‘get a lot done,’ it’s a safe bet that you are trading quality for quantity, going through the motions or checking boxes.  Not only does this rob you of a sense of fulfillment, but it is also actually counteractive to productivity.  Think about it; productivity is taking action; action can only exist in the present moment.  If you are not truly present, you are either future-focused or planning to take action or past focused, reflecting on action already taken.  This moment is the only place to make something happen; here in the present. Also, being present throughout the day, for yourself, for your team, and your family makes the doing more meaningful. But to be present, you have to be relentless.  Most of us are not conditioned or accustomed to being in the moment.  It’s a skill to be learned, practiced, and mastered.  Whenever you are feeling out of touch with an activity or you notice you are on ‘auto-pilot’ try these three prompts.  

The more often you practice these presence prompts, the stronger your ability to remain present in your intention.

Without focus and commitment to these cornerstones of productivity, the outcome of your efforts is unsatisfying, flat, or even worse, a waste of time.  Checked boxes do not lead to greatness.  To be great, you have to intend to be great, invest in activities that lead to excellence and be fully present to recognize and embrace greatness.


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About Angie

Speaker & Coach on a mission to help you create meaningful success and a life you love without overwhelm and exhaustion. It starts with you!


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